Hand Exercises



Exercises to keep your hands flexible.

1) Make a fist

This is a simple exercise to loosen and warm up the muscles.
Make a fist and wrap your thumb over the fingers. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Then spread your fingers again. Repeat ten times with both hands.

2) Finger stretching

This exercise helps to relieve pain and improve the range of motion of your hands.
Place your hand palm down on the table. Stretch your fingers against the surface as flat as possible without forcing your joints. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds and release. Repeat this exercise ten times with each hand.

3) Claw making

This exercise can improve the range of motion of the muscles and joints in your fingers.
Extend your hand with the palm facing you. Bend your fingertips inward so that all joints are flexed. Your hand should look a bit like a claw. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Release your fingers. Repeat this exercise ten times with each hand.

4) Grip Strengthener

This exercise will help you improve your grip. It becomes easier to hold things without dropping them, to turn jar lids and to open doors. Do not do this exercise if your thumb joint is damaged.
Place a soft ball in your palm and squeeze it as hard as you can. Release after five seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times with each hand.

5) Squeeze Strengthener

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of your fingers and thumb. This helps, for example, to turn keys more easily, to open packages and to refuel at a petrol station. Do not do this exercise if you have a problem with your thumb joint.
Shape a few sheets of kitchen paper into a firm ball. Hold it with the tips of your fingers and thumb. Squeeze the paper ball for 30 to 60 seconds and release. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

6) Finger lifts

Do this exercise to improve the range of motion and flexibility of your fingers.
Place your hand palm down flat on the table. Gently lift and lower one finger at a time . You can also try doing this exercise with all fingers and thumb at the same time. Repeat this exercise ten times with each hand.

7) Thumb Strengthening Strengthening

the muscles of your thumbs can help you pick up objects. Just think of bottles, boxes and bags.
For this exercise, place your hand flat on the table, palm down. Very gently slide your thumb away from your fingers as far as possible. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat 10 times with both hands. You may do this exercise two to three times a week. Take a 48 hour break!

8) Thumb Flexion

This exercise improves the range of motion of the muscles and joints in your thumbs.
Hold your hand half a meter in front of your face with the palm facing you. Push your thumb away from your fingers as far as possible. Then bend your thumb over the palm of your hand. Try to touch the base of your little finger. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat this exercise five times with both thumbs.

9) Thumb Extension

This exercise helps to make your thumb muscles and joints more flexible.
Hold your hand half a meter in front of your face with the palm facing you. Gently bend the tip of your thumb toward the base of your index finger. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds and release. Repeat this exercise five times with both thumbs.

10) Thumb

Exerciser This exercise also helps to increase the range of motion of the muscles and joints in your thumbs. This makes it easier to pick up objects such as a toothbrush or spoon and to write with a pen. Extend your hand with a straight wrist. Touch the four fingertips one at a time with your thumb, forming an ‘O’. Hold each position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat this exercise five times with each hand.

Do you still have complaints after doing these exercises? Then the wrist, hand or thumb aids below might be something for you.

  • Wrist brace Thuasne
  • Thumb race and wrist splint Thuasne
  • Rheumatism gloves

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