5 tips for shoulder complaints
The shoulder is an important joint in our body, it connects the arm to the trunk. It is often thought that the shoulder is one joint, but this is not correct. A number of tips can help you quickly get rid of or prevent your shoulder pain.
The shoulder joint consists of a complex cooperation between different joints. These include the weights of the collarbone, scapula, and glenohumeral joint (often called shoulder joint). Due to the complex structure of the shoulder, the risk of injury or shoulder complaint is high. The shoulder complaint, together with knee and back complaints, is therefore one of the most common complaints in the Netherlands. In many cases, you can do a lot about shoulder injuries yourself. Below we have put together a number of tips for you that can help you with shoulder complaints.
Tip 1 relieve the shoulder
In case of shoulder complaints, try not to put too much weight on your shoulder. Movement within the pain threshold is desirable. This may sound very logical, but it is very important. Rest until the symptoms subside and try not to lift too much. Are the complaints hardly less? Then visit your doctor or physiotherapist for possible treatment.
Tip 2 keep moving
Insufficient movement. If you do not use the shoulder enough, this can cause more complaints. These are often varying and nagging pain on the side or front of the shoulder joint. Moving within the pain threshold is always good! When moving within the pain gens you can think of turning the shoulder forward and backward and making small rotational movements with a hanging arm. You can also lift the arms forward and sideways in small movements.
Tip 3 prevent with warm-up
Do you regularly suffer from shoulder complaints after exercise? Try to prevent this by doing a warm-up before you have to put a lot of force with the arms and therefore shoulders . Especially with swimming or racket and throwing sports, it is wise to do a warm-up in order to prepare your body for maximum effort.
Tip 4 regularly change your working position
A prolonged static posture causes the body to stiffen. This is due to the fact that there is simply no such thing as a good static posture. Our bodies are not made to sit still for long periods of time. Try to keep moving in a healthy way. Sitting dynamically! Do some stretching exercises or walk over to a colleague. Try to make this a routine to make it easier to keep up.
– Move enough
– Do stretching exercises – Keep mini-breaks
Tip 5 Place your laptop at a healthy height.
The laptop is increasingly replacing a fixed PC. It is mobile, so you can work with it anywhere. There is 1 problem; he is disastrous for your attitude. The screen is too low, so you automatically sit huddled. Neck down, shoulders hunched. It puts pressure on the shoulders and neck, places where users often feel pain. Use a laptop stand and work with an external keyboard and mouse.
– Use a laptop stand
– Use an external keyboard – Use an external mouse
Do you need a brace for your shoulder? View our shoulder braces!